An essay is a piece of writing that methodically analyses and evaluates a topic or issue. Fundamentally, an essay is designed to get an opinion on a particular matter. An essay is not just a bunch of words, or even a bunch of paragraphs. An essay fits everything together; it points in one direction. It leads to one conclusion. This is what makes an essay different from, say an article.
How can I prepare myself for an essay?
If you are not at ease with the topic, then the mind would stop working. The ideas should not flow and the points would be limited. So, always certain yourself- " Yes, I can do it!" And while writing- " Yes, I am writing good." This will boost your confidence also. Think of a way to make it unique and interesting. Remember regular writing would lead to good writing.
* If you start writing diary then your word limit will increase. ππ
First and the foremost is to read the topic more than once to make sure none of the important details have been missed. Also, this will enhance the comfort level with the topic. Give it a thought before going any further. No matter what the topic is, write confidently.
You can make an mind map of yours essay before writing it. From this you can get more effective and useful points.
Roughly evaluate the following aspects:
1. Ask questions with WH questions- Who, what, when, why, where, whom how, which.
2. Think about causes and effects of the topic.
3. Cultural, social, economical and religious aspects.
4. You can write also quotes, sayings and proverbs.
These above essentials should be focused broadly so the points of the essay become logical, precise and effective.
After preparing the mind map, read the points again to analyse what to write. Number the points in a sequence. Choose some flexible and logical lines to write in the essay.
Always remember that the first line of the paragraph should be significant and interesting. It is the first impression of the examiner. Utmost care and thought process should be devoted for a perfect starting line of an essay. The introductory paragraph should begin with an interesting sentence, followed by sentences that outline what you desire to express in the essay.
1. The introductory paragraph could also be a brief summary of the essay in an captivating manner.
2. The starting information must be true and verifiable and it need not to be totally new to your readers. It could simply be a appropriate fact that clearly says the point you wish to make.
3. The most common concern amongst the student is whether to start an essay with a quote or not. It is implied by the students that a court at the start yeilds more marks.
Arrange and rearrange the points thought in a logical order so as to keep the most valuable and powerful point at the last and at the first. The majority of an essay consists in body paragraphs. You should write the main information in this body of the essay. Don't write too long sentences.
The conclusion is the last paragraph of an essay. It brings closure to the reader. It is not merely a summary of your points restatement of your essay. You can finish conclusion with these following consideration points:
1. You can recommend a specific course of action.
2. You can write the result of the essay.
3. Try to end your essay on a positive and optimistic conclusion.
4. The concluding paragraph can be bulky and in a summarising tone but it should not be forced.
Now comes the finishing touch. You should check and recheck your writing. You should polished your language by correcting the grammar checking spelling errors and making sentences flow.
1. You can use one sentence to introduce every paragraph to follow.
2. You should avoid short forms in an essay.
3. You are writing should be creative but be selective in using sources.
4. You can use words or phrases at the start of each paragraph that will indicate to the reader how it relates to the previous paragraph.
5. If you are writing any scientific essay then explain the key scientific concepts clearly.
1. Read the instruction and make sure you understood them before you start writing.
2. Don't cross the word limit. Right how much it is given.
3. While writing the introductory paragraph, be aware of danger of writing too much on that introductory paragraph only.
1. Don't fill your essay with unnecessary words and phrases. Writing unnecessary words can increase the length of an essay but will decrease the marks.
2. Avoid writing very long sentences.
3. Don't narrate a long story in the essay.